Pepe and Pilar Roxas enjoyed playing together at the park

Pepe and Pilar, son and daughter of Korina Sanchez and Mar Roxas had fun at the park together with their mom Korina.

Pilar was comfortably sitting on a swing while her mom Korina pushed her back and forth and the baby seemed to be enjoying the moment. Pepe, on the other hand, was with his yaya riding a stationary horse and seemed to be having fun as well.

As many people know, Pepe and Pilar are twins. Korina introduced the twins to public last February 2019. Everyone is saying that Pepe looks a lot like his dad, Mar. The twins have such a very unique and looooong names, you bet.

Korina mentioned that Pepe's real name is Pepe Ramon Gerardo Manuel Denzel and Pilar's real name is Pilar Judith Celia Esther Korina. Whew! Whatta long name, huh? 

Korina loves to post pictures and videos of twins on her own IG account and netizens love to express their feelings about the twins as they are both so cute and lovely. Twins just turned 1 year old this month and they had the cutest themed photos!

As you may know, twins were born through a surrogate. I did a little bit of research about who the biological Mom is. Their biological Mom is an American and is actually a solo parent who worked as a coffee shop barista. The reason why Mar chose this woman was because of her perseverance and how she raised her kids alone after her boyfriend left her. On the other hand, the woman accepted the offer from Mar and Korina for her children to have a better education and life.


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